If you are searching for real estate agencies near you, go to our agency page, to search by town or by region.
2 options are available:
- You know the name of the agency and you want to find their telephone number or send them a request via our form.
In this case, type the first letters of the agency’s name in the “Locality, agency or agent name” box:
Select the agency you wish to contact from the search results list. The profile page will then be displayed with all their contact information.
- You are searching for real estate agencies near you to contact them about your property search or to entrust them with the sale of your house or apartment.
In this case, type the first letters of the town name in the “Locality, agency or agent name” box then select it from the dropdown search list. Click one of the agencies in the list to access real estate agencies’ contact details and a contact form.
If you would rather contact all the agencies in one go, please read this article by our help centre which explains how to contact several estate agencies via our multiple contact form.
You can also display the agencies telephone number via the agency search list by clicking the “phonenumber” button.